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European Regional Development Fund in Bavaria

The ERDF strengthens economic, social and territorial cohesion by balancing the most important regional imbalances and equips regions for the challenges of the future.

ERDF Compact

The European Regional Development Fund - ERDF - is part of European cohesion policy. Cohesion policy is one of the EU's central policy areas. Its goal is to improve living conditions in European regions by investing in key areas of action. The EU provides the necessary financial resources for this through various structural and investment funds. One of these funds is the ERDF, alongside the European Social Fund (ESF).

The Bavarian ERDF program invests in equal living and working conditions throughout Bavaria and sets priorities in the areas of innovation, SME support, climate and environmental protection and for municipalities.

It therefore corresponds to the European objectives of the ERDF, which strengthens economic, social and territorial cohesion by balancing the most important regional imbalances and equipping regions for the challenges of the future.

The EU will provide around 577 million euros for this purpose over the next few years. The program is implemented in two funding areas: innovation and competitiveness as well as climate and environmental protection Another goal of the ERDF is European territorial cooperation. It promotes cooperation between regions in Europe and aims to strengthen harmonious, balanced and sustainable development as well as cohesion and competitiveness in Europe. The so-called Interreg programs are set up for this purpose.

EFRE in Bayern: Kurzvorstellung

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External information sites

Further basic information about ERDF funding can also be found on the following pages:

Funding areas

The operational programme includes a total of 14 funding measures. Six of these are in funding area 1 - Innovation and Competitiveness. Details and contacts for the individual funding measures are summarised on the respective subpages.


Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie

Referat 51 | EFRE-Verwaltungsbehörde
Prinzregentenstraße 28 | 80538 München
E-Mail: infoefre(at)stmwi.bayern.de